王瑜晖,女,博士,副教授,利用黄瓜分子育种,数量遗传学,全基因组关联分析等方法,研究黄瓜重要病害(包括霜霉病,白粉病,靶斑病等)的抗性基因及重要农艺性状的候选基因。同时对挖掘到的抗性基因,进行分子图位克隆,功能验证,并运用到分子标记辅助育种当中。并已育有多个高抗病的黄瓜品系,正在申请品系保护和发布。目前已发表学术论文十余篇。著有博士学位论文《Genetic Architecture of Downy Mildew (Pseudoperonospora cubensis) Resistance in Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.)》。
2009.09-2012.07,硕士,种子科学专业,中国农业大学,小麦遗传育种及作物杂种优势研 究与利用国家重点实验室;
2012.09-2017.05,博士,植物遗传育种专业 (Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics),美国威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校 (University of Wisconsin-Madison);
2017.05-2020.05,助理科学家(Assistant Scientist),园艺系(Department of Horticulture),美国威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校(University of Wisconsin-Madison)。
1. WangYH, BoK,GuX,PanP,LiY,ChenJ,WenC,RenZH,RenHZ,ChenX,GrumetR, Weng Y(2020). Molecularly Tagged Genes and Quantitative Trait Loci in Cucumber - And recommendation of controlled vocabulary for QTL mapping. Horticulture Research 7 (3)
2. Wang YH, Tan J, Wu Z, Wen C, VandenLangenberg K, Wehner TC, Thornton A, Zheng X, Owens K, Hoeft E, Kraan PAG, Suelmann J, Pan J, Weng Y (2019) STAYGREEN, STAY HEALTHY: a loss-of-susceptibility mutation in the STAYGREEN gene provides durable, broad-spectrum disease resistances for over 50 years of US cucumber production. New Phytologist 221:415–430.
3. Wang YH, VandenLangenberg K, Wen CL, Wehner TC, Weng Y (2018) QTL mapping of downy and powdery mildew resistances in PI 197088 cucumber with genotyping-by- sequencing in RIL population. Theoretical and Applied Genetics (131): 597.
4. Wang YH, VandenLangenberg K, Wehner TC, Kraan PAG, Suelmann J, Zheng XY, Owens K, Weng Y (2016) QTL mapping for downy mildew resistance in cucumber inbred line WI7120 (PI 330628). Theoretical and Applied Genetics (129): 1493.
5. Wang YH, VandenLangenberg K, Wehner TC, Weng Y. 2014. QTLs for Downy mildew resistance and their association with LRR-RLK resistance gene analogs in cucumber. Proc Cucurbitaceae 2014, pp 17-20.
6. Pan YP, Wen CL, Han YH, Wang YH, Li YH, Li S, Cheng XM, Weng Y (2020) QTL for horticulturally important traits associated with pleiotropic andromonoecy and carpel number loci, and a paracentric inversion in cucumber. Theor Appl Genet 133: 2271-2290 Contribution: Bioinformatic support.
7. Li Z, Han Y, Niu H, Wang YH, Jiang B, & Weng Y. (2020). Gynoecy instability in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) is due to unequal crossover at the copy number variation-dependent Femaleness (F) locus. Horticulture Research, 7(1). doi:10.1038/s41438-020-0251-2 Contribution: Bioinformatic support.
8. Yagcioglu M, Jiang B, Wang P, Wang YH, Ellialtioglu S.S, Weng Y. (2019) QTL mapping of low temperature germination ability in cucumber. Euphytica, 215, 84. Contribution: QTL mapping.
9. Wen C, Zhao W, Liu W, Yang L, Wang Y, Liu X, Xu Y, Ren H, Guo Y, Li C, Li J, Weng Y, Zhang X (2019) CsTFL1 inhibits determinate growth and terminal flower formation through interaction with CsNOT2a in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). Development, pp.dev-180166. Contribution: Genetic mapping.
10. Pan Y, Wang YH, McGregor C, Liu S, Luan F, Gao M, Weng Y (2019). Genetic Architecture of Fruit Size Variation in Cucurbits: A Comparative Perspective. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 133: 1-21Contribution: Bioinformatic support.
11. Rett-Cadman S, Colle M, Mansfeld B, Barry C, Wang Y, Weng Y, Gao L, Fei Z, Grumet R (2019) QTL and transcriptomic analyses implicate cuticle transcription factor SHINE as a source of natural variation for epidermal traits in cucumber fruit. Frontiers in Plant Science. 10. doi:10.3389/fpls.2019.01536 Contribution: QTL mapping.
12. Pan J, Tan J, Wang Y, Zheng X, Owns K, Li D, Li Y, Weng Y (2018) STAYGREEN is a candidate for the anthracnose (Colletotrichum orbiculare) resistance locus in cucumber. Theoretical and Applied Genetics (131):1577-1587 Contribution: QTL mapping.
13. Bo KL, Wang H, Pan YP, Behera TK, Pandey S, Wen CL, Wang YH, Simon PW, Li YH, Chen JF, Weng Y. 2016. Cucumber Short Hypocotyl1 (Sh1) encodes a human SMARCA3-like chromatin remodeling factor regulating hypocotyl elongation. Plant Physiology 172(2), pp.1273-1292. Contribution: Genome Wide Association Analysis.
14. Li Y, Song N, Zhao C, Li F, Geng M, Wang Y, Liu W, Xie C and Sun Q (2016). Application of glycerol for induced powdery mildew resistance in Triticum aestivum L. Front. Physiol. 7:413. Contribution: Statistical analysis.
15. Weng Y, Colle M, Wang YH, Yang LM, Rubinstein M, Sherman A, Ophir R, Grumet R. 2015. QTL mapping in multiple populations and development stages reveals dynamic quantitative trait loci for fruit size in cucumbers of different market classes. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 128: 1747-1763. Contribution: QTL mapping and statistical analysis.
16. 李映辉, 宋娜, 王瑜晖, 彭福祥, 周闪, 唐华山等. 小麦成熟胚培养方法的优化及其在小麦遗传转化中的应用, 麦类作物学报, 2013,33 (1):6-12.